Stewardship and Engagement

Stewardship and Engagement are among the most advanced strategies for sustainable and responsible investment and activities that we consider fundamental.

At Etica Funds, we promote a sustainable development model based on the premise that the financial community can play a vital role in directing capital towards sustainable actions. Consequently, we engage with the issuers in which our funds are invested.

This approach is consistent with Etica SGR’s Engagement Policy and aims to do the following:

Promote the integration of social and environmental sustainability into issuer strategies;

Generate financial benefits in terms of lower volatility and higher growth potential of the securities in the portfolio.

Main tools

Direct dialogue
Dialogo diretto di Etica Sgr

Communicating with investors and issuers
With a rigorous approach, we create and fuel a collaborative and constructive dialogue through meetings, calls, workshops, and correspondence on the ESG topics that Etica Funds believes to be most relevant to that particular business.

Shareholder activism
Azionariato attivo di Etica Sgr

Exercising voting rights
We participate, often in person, in the shareholders’ meetings of the companies in which our funds and the SICAV sub-funds invest, exercising voting rights on the agenda items and presenting or supporting motions on relevant ESG topics.

Etica Sgr e il crowdfunding

Raising awareness on ESG policies
We engage with governments, regulators, and standard setters (appointed bodies tasked with defining standards for a certain sub-fund or sector) to promote the integration of ESG topics into social, economic and legislative policies.

Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.