Luxembourg Range of Etica Funds

The fund range under Luxembourg law consists of three sustainable and responsible sub-funds that replicate the consolidated strategies adopted by the Italian range. Etica Funds offers a simple, linear range of products in the main asset classes.
Our solution allows investors to select the sub-fund or combination of sub-funds that best meet their strategic allocation needs, while focusing on companies and governments that implement ESG strategies.

gamma lussemburghese

Luxembourg Range of Etica Funds


Sub-fund objective

Equity investment

Etica ESG Global Equity

Seeking value performance over time.
The fund aim to replicate Etica Azionario strategy with a mirroring purpose.
Up to 100%

Etica ESG Dynamic Allocation

Balanced management of risks and opportunities.
The fund aim to replicate Etica Bilanciato strategy with a
mirroring purpose.
Up to 70%

Etica ESG Conservative Allocation

Investing in high-potential opportunities with peace of mind.
The fund aim to replicate Etica Obbligazionario Misto strategy with a mirroring purpose.
Up to 20%

Etica Sgr S.p.A. is an Italian asset management company that has always exclusively provided sustainable and responsible investment solutions since its launch in 2000. For the Luxemburg range Etica Sgr S.p.A. acts as investment manager and global distributor of the three Subfunds that are part of the SICAV under Luxembourg law MULTILABEL SICAV, and have been established by Carne Global Fund Managers (Luxembourg) S.A. (Carne LUX), Luxembourg, on behalf of ETICA SGR S.p.A., Milan, Italy.
Starting from February 1, 2024, the name of the Management Company is Carne Global Fund Managers (Luxembourg) S.A. (Carne LUX), following the acquisition of GAM (Luxembourg) S.A.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
Responsabilità Sociale di Etica Sgr

This section contains further information regarding the sustainability disclosure pursuant to SFDR. In particular, it provides access to the Etica Funds Sustainable, Responsible Investment Policy. Users may also analyse the document Principal adverse sustainability impacts, which characterises the main negative impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors.

Selection of securities
la selezione dei titoli - Investimento responsabile

The selection of equities and bonds for Etica’s funds follows a rigorous proprietary methodology. Each security included in the Investable Universe must pass a twin screening process: the application of negative exclusion criteria to rule out certain sectors or activities and positive evaluation criteria based on sustainability. The work of our ESG Analysis and Research Team is broadened by in-depth investigations depending on the particular contingencies of daily events.

ESG Risk
Rischio ESG

ESG Risk is a proprietary methodology that calculates the risk deriving from Environmental, Social and Governance factors to measure the impact on the performance of securities in a mutual fund. This metric calculates risk ascribable to ESG problems that impact the securities in a mutual fund.

Stewardship and Engagement
Engagement di Etica Sgr

By engaging with the companies in which our funds and sub-funds invest we set out to urge them to adopt sustainable and responsible practices in the medium-long term. Stewardship and Engagement are through dialogue with management and the exercise of voting rights attached to our shareholdings in capital. In its role as shareholder Etica Funds takes an active part in the shareholders’ meetings of the firms in which its funds invest on a series of environmental, social and governance issues and priorities.

Impatto di Etica Sgr

We measure the impact of our investments using indicators linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda global framework for sustainable development signed by the governments of 193 UN Member States to try and reconcile economic growth with social inclusion and environmental protection.

PRI - Principles for Responsible Investments

Etica Sgr is the first Italian asset manager to comply with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) by the United Nations since 2009. PRI is a document to be subscribed by financial investors in order to include social responsibility, environmental and fair governance issues and principles in their activity.

This is a marketing communication.

This communication has been written by Etica SGR S.p.A., as investment manager and global distributor of the funds Etica ESG Global Equity, Etica ESG Dynamic Allocation, Etica ESG Conservative Allocation (the “Funds”) of the SICAV under Luxembourg law called Multilabel Sicav, established by Carne Global Fund Managers (Luxembourg) S.A. (Carne LUX) and is intended for professional investors only.

Investment in the Funds entails the acquisition of shares in the SICAV and involves risks associated with possible changes in the share values, which are in turn affected by fluctuations in the value of the financial instruments in which the assets of the Funds are invested.Investors should conclude an investment transaction involving the Funds only after having fully understood their overall characteristics and degree of exposure to related risks, by carefully reading the prospectus and the key investor information document (KID), which, together with information on sustainability pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, can be found at

Investing in the Funds offers no guarantee of return and does not ensure repayment of initially invested capital. Any future returns are subject to taxation, which is based on the personal situation of each investor and may change in the future. The investment goals, situation and financial needs of potential recipients have not been taken into account in the drafting of this communication. It can therefore in no way be interpreted as investment advice.

The recipients of this communication assume full and absolute responsibility for the use of the information it contains, as well as for any investment decisions made on the basis thereof, since any use of the information as support for investment decisions is not permitted and is at the investor’s own risk.The Funds are authorised to be marketed in Italy exclusively to professional investors. The issuer may, however, decide to stop marketing them in Italy. The Funds are not authorised to be marketed in certain jurisdictions. Therefore, marketing activities may not be conducted in relation to them in those jurisdictions. This communication may not be distributed to parties other than its intended recipients, nor reproduced in all or in part, in any form whatsoever, without the prior authorisation of Etica SGR S.p.A.