EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation: this section contains all documentation relating to Etica Funds.
Etica Funds was created in 2000 out of the conviction that also analysing issuers from an environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) perspective offers a longer-term view and potential added value in terms of return.
All the funds managed by Etica Sgr are classified as products that pursue an explicit sustainability objective as defined in Article 9 of EU Regulation 2019/2088 or as products that promote, among others, environmental and/or social characteristics in compliance with practice of good governance as defined in Article 8 of EU Regulation 2019/2088.

Sustainability objective of Etica’s funds
For the funds managed by Etica that qualify as products pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation 2088/2019 (SFDR) , the sustainability objective is set in terms of ESG Risk for Etica Azionario and Etica Bilanciato (or E risk, which is a specific case for Etica Impatto Clima). In particular:
- The sustainability objective pursued by the funds Etica Azionario and Etica Bilanciato belonging to the Linea Valori Responsabili consists of containing ESG Risk within a pre-defined limit according to the proprietary metric (implied theoretical maximum level).
- The sustainability objective pursued by the Etica Impatto Clima fund belonging to the the Linea Futuri Responsabili consists of containing E Risk within a pre-defined limit according to the proprietary metric (implied theoretical maximum level).
These are metrics based on the issuers’ sustainability scores that are capable of providing an overall assessment of their sustainability and that of their portfolios in the aggregate. The percent threshold for each fund is defined as a function of the degree of risk characteristic of the product.
The sustainability objective pursued by the Etica Obiettivo Sociale consists in respecting the minimum percentage of the portfolio invested in securities of corporate, governmental, FIA, or social bond issuers that meet the criteria defined in the Fund’s Prospectus and in the Sustainable and Responsible Investment Policy (published at this address).