Implementation of the Engagement Policy and Italian Stewardship Principles

I criteri che seguiamo nel monitoraggio, nel dialogo e nel voto

We agree with and adhere to the “Italian Principles of Stewardship for the exercise of administrative and voting rights in listed companies” issued by Assogestioni to stimulate collaborative and constructive dialogue between investment management companies and Italian issuers on social and environmental responsibility, corporate governance and risk management.

The six principles listed here, together with the Specific Recommendations, are inspired by the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) Code for External Governance.

  1. Asset management companies shall adopt a documented policy, available to the public, which sets out their strategy for the exercise of rights inherent in the financial instruments pertinent to the ucits and portfolios managed.
  2. Asset management companies shall monitor the listed issuers in which they are shareholders.
  3. Asset management companies shall set out clear guidelines on the timing and form of intervention with the listed issuers in order to protect and increase their value.
  4. Asset management companies shall consider, if necessary, the possibility of cooperating with other institutional investors, where appropriate, paying particular attention to the regulation of concerted action.
  5. Asset management companies shall exercise the rights inherent in the financial instruments pertinent to the ucits and portfolios managed in an informed manner.
  6. Asset management companies shall keep track of their exercise the rights inherent in the financial instruments pertinent to the ucits and portfolios managed and adopt a policy on the disclosure of information regarding external governance.

Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.