Oscar di Bilancio

Milan, 3rd dicember 2012Etica Sgr wins the Oscar of Balance sheet for the category “Medium and Small banking and financial companies (not listed)”.

Etica Sgr has been rewarded thanks to the Integrated Report 2011, “jurors have considered the communication standards of this document at the level of listed companies”*. The balance sheet of Etica Sgr is the result of an active involvement of all the stakeholder with whom have been started a direct dialog that allow to identify the most important area of economic, social and environmental reporting. Etica Sgr is the first Italian asset management company (Investment Management Company) that have adopted the Integrated Report since two years, an advanteced tool in terms of reporting and communication, where economic results are perfectly mixed with the sustainability section, according to what expressed by GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).

For a company as ours, that promotes socially responsible investment funds, Integrated Report is an important tool in terms of transparency realized according with suppliers, clients, companies in which we invest and employees” says Ugo Biggeri, President of Etica Sgr. “Winning this award Etica Sgr has demonstrated in the last ten years that is possible to combine economic aspect with the respect of the environment and the stakeholders of the company according with the values of Etic Finance. This award can be intended as the expression of continuity: Etic Bank Group has been one of the first that have improved the reporting system introducing the first Social Report ten years ago“.

*Text extract from the motivation of jury balance sheet 2012.

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