Dodd Frank Act, Section 1502: conflict mineral disclosure

Etica Sgr supported an additional step in the campaign on “Conflict Minerals”, started in 2012 and thanks to which an important result has been able to be obtained: starting in 2014 the SEC, the regulatory authority of the American stock exchange, through Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act, made it mandatory for American companies to monitor (and report on) the respect for human rights at their own and suppliers’ plants.

However, this regulation was threatened by some members of the American Congress in 2015, who want to repeal it. For this reason, Etica Sgr has signed a new letter to send to Congress, underlining the dangers behind such repeal and the importance of Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act, in order to once again make the American Congress aware of these problems, which had already achieved good results with some American companies who made a commitment not only to monitor and report, but to no longer obtain supplies from conflict zones.


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