Shareholder Activism

L’azionariato attivo consiste nell’esercizio dei diritti di voto e nella partecipazione nelle assemblee degli azionisti delle società in cui investono i fondi e i comparti.

The importance of voting rights

The shareholders, as holders of a portion of the ownership of a company, have the power to influence its decision-making processes by speaking and voting in the assembly.

As responsible investors we believe strongly in the value of this power and we hold speaking in the shareholders’ meeting to be one of the highest forms of engagement activity. This is because it enables us to interact with the Board of Directors and top management on the issues raised during the year through monitoring and dialogue. At the same time it allows us to draw management’s attention to new issues that are particularly important for embarking on a path of improvement from a environmental, share and governance standpoint. We take a constructive approach to voting with respect to the firms and in the interest of Etica Sgr clients.

Long-term value added

We are convinced that shareholder activism represents an important assumption of responsibility by investors, that will deliver value to the investment in the long-term. Promoting growth that takes environmental, social and governance concerns into consideration should allow the companies in which the funds and Sicav sub-funds invest to gain a competitive advantage in the market and create long-term value.

In exercising our shareholder rights we follow our engagement policy operating exclusively in the interest of our subscribers.

Below are some of the results and interventions in shareholders’ meetings in which Etica Sgr has taken part.

Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.


Shareholder Activism 2019

Company engagement activities planned for 2019 reflect the themes already developed in 2018. They are consistent with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the action programme subscribed to by the governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations to promote sustainable economic, social and environmental development, and cover a number of specific areas. The main strategic areas […]
