Shareholders for Change SFC

Shareholders for Change – SFC is a network of European institutional investors who, in their role as shareholders, engagement in dialogue with companies to influence and urge best practices and sustainable, responsible behaviours in the medium-long term.

 The founding members of Shareholders for Change

Shareholders for change

The founding members of Shareholders for Change are seven well-established firms based in several European countries.

  • Bank für Kirche und Caritas eG (Germany)
  • Ecofi Investissements, Groupe Crédit Coopératif (France)
  • Etica Sgr, Gruppo Banca Etica (Italy)
  • fair-finance Vorsorgekasse (Austria)
  • Fondazione Finanza Etica (Italy)
  • Fundacion Fiare (Spain)
  • Meeschaert Asset Management (France)

Together they represent around €22 billion in assets under management.

The goals of the network

The Shareholders for Change’s goal is to engage institutions, advisors, associations, public and private bodies in supporting the development of sustainable finance and an economy coherent with Agenda 2030, a plan of action signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN Member States which sets out 17 shared international development goals to be achieved through a combination of economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.

Engagement Network
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