fairrThe FAIRR Initiative (Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return) is a collaborative investor network that raises awareness of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities in the global food sector. The mission is to build a global network of investors who are aware of the issues linked to intensive animal production and seek to minimise the risks within the broader food system.

FAIRR Initiative focuses its efforts on providing high quality Research, facilitating collaborative Engagements and coordinating Policy action for their members.

FAIRR Intiative aims to make sure to do the heavy lifting for investors, so that they can focus on exercising their influence, as responsible stewards of capital, while safeguarding the long-term value of their investment portfolios.
With over 370 members globally, representing over $70 trillion in combined assets, FAIRR Initiative represents the world’s fastest-growing ESG network.

For more information: www.fairr.org

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