Investor Expectations on Corporate Climate Lobbying

The PRI Network has invited Etica Sgr to join an initiative aimed at obtaining from companies across the world greater commitment in adopting and implementing policies concerning the management of issues relating to climate change.

The initiative consists of signing a letter to be sent to various companies, urging them to develop their own coherent climate change policies in all geographic areas in which they operate and aimed at ensuring the correspondence between the activities performed and the long-term interest of investors, in order to encourage them towards sustainable behaviours in terms of climate change which leads to the value of the investment being protected in the long-term.

The letter to be signed specifies that the expectations of investors concern the commitment of companies in dealing with and addressing issues related to climate change together with all international policy makers.

The initiative also involves the creation of working groups focused on the various markets (United States, Canada, Australia and Europe) which will have the task of identifying the different companies with which to implement direct engagement.

Etica Sgr has joined the initiative, sending its acceptance.


Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.


Environment Climate Change
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