2014 Global Investor Statement on Climate Change

In August 2014, together with the members of the ICCR and PRI, Etica SGR signed a statement of intent with the aim of giving a voice to the financial community on the occasion of the United Nations Summit on Climate Change that was held in September 2014.

The statement (“2014 Global Investor Statement on Climate Change”) expresses the support of the financial community to national and international policies aimed at creating new investments in clean energies to reduce the impacts of climate change. In particular, it involves:

  • initiatives that institutional investors can put into practice to address climate change (collaboration with governments, identification of low-carbon investments, integration of in-depth environmental assessments of investments and engagement with the companies subject to investment);
  • Invitation to governments to support a new global agreement on climate change to be reached by 2015 and to implement new legislative provisions at national level in order to incentivise investments that can have a long-term positive impact;

The statement was accompanied by a report regarding the initiatives implemented by the financial community on climate change, with the aim of demonstrating that the financial sector has already started to contribute significantly to the management of climate change and that the implementation of agreements and ambitious policies at national and international level is more than necessary.


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The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.


Environment cambiamento climatico
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