To hear about ESG risk, we reached out to Paolo Capelli, Head of Risk Management at Etica – an asset management company which offers socially responsible investment funds.

In a context that has seen rapid growth in the offer of sustainable and responsible funds in recent years, Etica stands out for having made this approach its exclusive approach as far back as the year 2000. Integrating ESG criteria into investment decisions is an important element for society in creating value over the long term, both financial value, i.e. with returns adjusted for risk, and non-financial value, i.e. value for the community and the environment.
Numerous studies have shown that the returns of sustainable and responsible funds are in line with traditional returns, and sometimes even higher, particularly in periods of greater market volatility. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) analysis of securities allows for more comprehensive control of risks and helps to select the most sustainable companies in the long term. Investing in companies that ignore ESG issues can, in the long term, turn out to be an unfortunate choice in terms of performance.
ESG Risk: why do we need a risk metric based on ESG factors?
To hear about ESG risk, we reached out to Paolo Capelli, Head of Risk Management at Etica – an asset management company which offers socially responsible investment funds.