ESG investing: Etica Funds proud to attend the FinLantern webinar

ESG investing: Etica Funds was proud to attend the webinar hosted by FinLantern on May 11, 2021.

Our colleagues Arianna Magni, Head of Institutional and International Business Development at Etica Funds, and Alberto Ambrosi, Risk Manager at Etica Funds talked about the distinctive characteristics of Etica Funds: Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI), holistic ESG approach in evaluating companies and countries for the investment and ESG Risk.

ESG Investing: watch the webinar recording

This half-hour webinar explored the growing importance of sustainable and responsible investment (SRI). Etica Funds stands apart as an adherent to this business model since its inception, developing a rigorous proprietary methodology combining financial and ESG analysis. Our track record of twenty years demonstrates that analysing issuers (companies and countries) from an ESG viewpoint can deliver greater value in terms of performance.

At times of high volatility, it can also serve to mitigate financial risk. Investing in an equity portfolio of firms that ignore ESG issues can prove unwise in terms of long-term performance. Recent history shows that risk can also derive from non-financial factors. Along with this evidence, Etica Funds came up with a new risk metric, called ESG Risk. The methodology has great statistical and predictive power. By including ESG variables in the calculation of investment risk, Etica funds can perform a more effective and complete valuation of ex ante risk from ESG factors.


FinLantern is a fast-growing international network founded in 2009, with a database of 120,000+ finance professionals (Financial Analysts, Economists, Portfolio Managers, Corporate Finance Advisors, Traders…) from all over the world. The network aims to support its members’ activities and to increase their visibility in the international financial community.

Institutional investor offering

Our sustainable and responsible investment solutions aim to deliver medium-long term performance opportunities based on the real economy and rewarding businesses and countries that adopt virtuous environmental, social and governance practices (ESG).

Institutional investors (including banks, brokerages, SGRs, insurance companies, investment funds, SICAVs, pension and insurance funds) have access to the Luxembourg Range and to the Italian Range.

Luxembourg Range

The fund range under Luxembourg law consists of three sustainable and responsible sub-funds that replicate the consolidated strategies adopted by the Italian range. Etica Funds offers a simple, linear range of products in the main asset classes. Our solution allows investors to select the sub-fund or combination of sub-funds that best meet their strategic allocation needs, while focusing on companies and governments that implement environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.

Italian Range

The Italian fund range consists of six sustainable and responsible funds that seek to create return opportunities over the medium-to-long term, focusing on the real economy and companies and governments that implement environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.

Our ethical funds are available in Class I, but also in income accumulation Class R and income distribution Class RD.

Our ESG funds

Etica provides a range of investment solutions that not only meet the stringent standards of ESG Analysis, but also cover interesting medium-long term risk/return profiles.

The defining characteristic of our funds is the scrupulous screening of the securities that make up the portfolios. The concept of sustainable and responsible investing is grounded on the selection of issuers that demonstrate their sustainability not only financially, but also in terms of social and environmental factors and good governance.

Etica Funds® is registered trademarks of Etica Sgr S.p.A., Italian Asset Management Company.

This document has been prepared by Etica SGR S.p.A. – an Italian Asset Management Company (AMC) authorised by the Bank of Italy, member of the Banca Etica Group – for information and promotional purposes.
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Responsible finance ESG funds ESG risk Ethical Finance Sustainable finance
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