Transparency Code 4.0 di Eurosif

Etica Sgr is the first Italian management company to sign the new version of the European Code for Sustainable and Responsible Investment T

ransparency promoted by EUROSIF (European Social Investment Forum), the pan-European network for the development of sustainability through European financial markets.

The European SRI Transparency logo signifies that Etica Sgr commits to provide accurate, adequate and timely information to enable stakeholders, in particular consumers, to understand the Sustainable Responsible Investment (SRI) policies and practices relating to the fund. Detailed information about the European SRI Transparency Code can be found on, and information of the SRI policies and practices of the Valori Responsabili funds can be found at

The Transparency Code are managed by Eurosif, an independent organization.

The European SRI Transparency Logo reflects the fund manager’s commitment as detailed above and should not be taken as an endorsement of any particular company, organization or individual.

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