Top Fund Managers – Italy Small | Etica Sgr wins in 2020 for the fourth consecutive year

Top Fund Managers – Italy Small, this is the award given to Etica Sgr for the fourth consecutive year by the German Institute of Quality and Finance.


If three clues are proof, four are a certainty: investing sustainably and responsibly, focusing on the real economy and rewarding companies and countries with the best environmental, social and governance scores (ESG), creates opportunities for returns from a medium to long-term perspective[1].

Etica Sgr wins the Top Fund Managers – Italy Small

In 2020 Etica Sgr joined the exclusive club “Top Fund Manager” in the Italy Small category. The German Institute of Quality and Finance is an independent body, specialised in market research and comparison of financial products in Europe.

The analysis to identify the winners of the award, it bears emphasizing, concerns all asset management companies with less than €5 billion of assets under management in open funds.


The results and risk control of the last 5 years have been analysed in identifying the Top Fund Managers. The methodology is based on two criteria:

  • the historical performance of the last five years;
  • the risk to the investor (expressed by the maximum percentage of loss, the “Max Drawdown”).

A high average annual return and low loss rate led to a good ranking relative to the market, while a low return and high loss rate downgraded the fund.

The analysis selected the best funds of the ten categories considered most relevant. Furthermore, the study has awarded the “Best Fund Manager” and “Top Fund Manager” awards in the four classes of Italy Small, Italy Medium, Italy Big and International to Asset Management Companies that offer the best products according to the criteria described.

For more information on the award methodology: ​​

[1] The study of the German Institute of Quality considers a period from 1 December 2014 – to 30 November 2019. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

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Responsible finance Awards Come investire Fondi Sostenibili e Responsabili Sustainable and responsible funds
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