Carbon Footprint 2016

Reducing environmental impact: an investment we believe in.

carbon-enAs an asset management company that is focused on sustainable investing, and as a signatory to the Montréal Carbon Pledge, we measure and disclose the carbon footprint of our Etica Azionario fund on an annual basis. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by a company, event, product or person, which fits in with our goal of including emissions data in the environmental analysis of each company in our portfolio.

Based on data provided by CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), our analysis has revealed that 100 euros invested in the Etica Azionario fund produces 28 kg of CO2e per year, compared to 501 kg of CO2e produced by the same investment in the benchmark index (global stock market)*.

This means that an investment of 100 euros in our Etica Azionario fund allows you to save 473 kg of CO2e per year, which is the same amount of emissions produced by a flight from Milan to Dubai**.

Furthermore, 57% of the companies in the Etica Azionario portfolio have undertaken energy efficiency and conservation initiatives to reduce their own emissions, leading to a savings of 87,823 tons of CO2e. That’s the same amount of CO2 that 305 km2 of forest would absorb in one year.


  • Total CO2 emissions produced by the companies in the fund’s portfolio, equal to 48,095 tons of CO2;
  • Average emissions of the companies per million euros of turnover, equal to 309 tons of CO2;
  • Average emissions of the companies per million euros invested in the fund, equal to 283 tons of CO2.

The information reported above was calculated by Etica Sgr based on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions data provided by CDP. Scope 1 emissions are greenhouse gas emissions that arise directly from sources that are owned or controlled by the company (fossil fuels used in the manufacturing process, vehicle emissions from company cars, etc.). Scope 2 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions which are not produced by the company itself, but which are the direct result of the company’s activities (emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating or cooling, etc.).



*CO2e is a standard unit for measuring carbon footprints. It expresses the impact of each greenhouse gas (including methane, ozone and nitrogen oxides) in terms of the amount of CO2 that would have the same effect on global warming. That way, it is possible to compare different gases when examining their contribution to the greenhouse effect.

**CO2 emissions per passenger. Calculation based on data from: Reducir el impacto en el medioambiente: nos lo creemos de verdad.

Environment Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint report
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