Where to subscribe an ethical fund in Italy

Bank branches in Italy

You can subscribe our ethical funds with more than 200 banks across Italy. Find the bank branch nearest to your city or postcode.

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Online placing agents

Would you prefer to purchase online? Below are our trading partners who will help you subscribe our ethical funds with just a few clicks.

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Consulenti finanziari

Per quanto riguarda le scelte di risparmio ti affidi a un professionista? Di seguito le reti di Consulenti finanziari nostre partner per poter sottoscrivere i nostri fondi etici.


Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.